Don’t just read the Word; Apply it.

Don’t just read the Word; Apply it.

Bible Gateway just keeps sending me Bibles to review! This month, I received a free copy of the NIV Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition.

I like it. There’s really not much to say besides that. While the version itself has its downsides (as really every version does), the “life application” aspect of this Bible is great.

At first, it might appear to be just another study Bible that contains a lot of commentary throughout its pages. And while that’s certainly true, it appears that most of the included notes (or at least a good chunk of them) have the aim of being immediately applicable to the reader. Many commentaries provide knowledge; the NIV Life Application Study Bible provides action steps.

I would highly recommend this study Bible to believers who are eager to obey God’s word, but have struggled to understand what God would have them to do. Obeying God’s word is an act of worship, to be done as we rejoice in what God has already done for us. Since Jesus died and rose again, we are given abundant life in Him. So this Bible directs us to worship God in practical ways, for who He is and what He’s done.

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