Pray for Kay.
About thirty of us went out surveying this evening. That’s when we go door to door with a survey in order to gauge each home’s interest in being followed up with by a church. Tonight, we were surveying on behalf of a local church plant.
We expect a lot of rejection as we survey. Most people aren’t interested in talking at all, and most who are willing to answer the questions on the survery aren’t ultimately interested in being contacted by a church.
But once in awhile, we run across someone who may very well be the next person to trust Christ and follow Him.
One such person that we talked with tonight was Kay.
Kay doesn’t attend a church, but she’s open to hearing more about the church plant. She doesn’t have a lot of time due to her work schedule, but she’d love to get her daughter involved in children’s ministries. Kay was very kind, and very receptive, and everything just kind of clicked.
Pray for Kay. Pray that when the church plant follows up with her, that they would be able to connect with her in a meaningful way, and that she would feel welcome by them. Pray that she would realize her sin, yet also God’s grace through faith in Jesus, and that she would embrace Jesus as her Savior and Lord.
Jesus said, “I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.” (John 15:16)
It’s been hard much of this week because we haven’t been seeing much fruit despite all our work. But we heard from other groups about kids who were excited about backyard Bible clubs, and about women who were being encouraged through a women’s Bible study. And from our surveying this evening, the small church plant we served received twelve solid people to follow up with. And another small church heard about what we were doing, and asked if we could go out and survey for them.
So churches are getting excited about meeting their communities, which is awesome, and that in itself is amazing fruit that will continue to last long after we go home.