I tried something new today.
I basically had the choice between either helping with two backyard Bible clubs, or helping to build a ramp on the side of a church building. I’m not completely sure why, but I chose the latter.
Typically I shy away from physical labor. I’ve just never been that good at it.
Seriously, ask my wife. She gives me man points whenever I accomplish (or even attempt) a manly project at home. Once I get to 100 man points, I’m sufficiently able to accomplish any home remodeling project necessary.
Today, the ramp project overseer said that he would sign off on the remainder of my man points.
I drilled, I hammered, and I did a whole lot of sweating. It was great.
Sometimes God wants us to step out of our comfort zones by doing something new for Him. There’ s certainly something to be said for faithfulness to a particular task or ministry, but sometimes we can get so used to doing the same thing over and over for years that we might miss some opportunity that God may be giving us.
I got to spend all day working with young Christian men, getting to know them, joking around with them, and encouraging them to work hard. I also got to talk briefly with two key members of the church we were building the ramp for, sharing part of my story with them, and pointing to Jesus Christ as our greatest joy.
It was a joy to serve Christ and His Church in this way today.
I hope that when I get home at the end of the week, I’ll remember that I’m still on mission, and that I’d be willing to try something new for Jesus. Will you?