Tweet Weeks

Starting tomorrow (being the first day of my work week), I’m going to attempt two consecutive Tweet Weeks. The first week, I will update twitter at least once per hour (except while sleeping), or as often as I change activities, simply stating what I’m doing each time. The second week, I will again update at least once per hour, but will write primarily about spiritual things (things I learn from Scripture, quotes that direct my heart to worship, prayer requests, etc).

This is not some vain attempt to focus on myself. I hope to accomplish a few things in the next couple weeks:

  1. To raise awareness of the schedule of a pastor. A lot of people don’t know what pastors do during the week. I hope my tweets this week are informative and interesting to you.
  2. To be transparent as a person. Pastors are people, too. I hope this week to show how my schedule really isn’t much different than your own.
  3. To determine how twitter is most useful in my specific ministry. I’ve read how other churches are using twitter, but I want to see if and how twitter is useful in the context of my church.

Follow me on twitter (@brochris225) and let me know what you think along the way.

2 thoughts on “Tweet Weeks”

  1. I like this! I’ve always wondered what pastors do with their days.

    I want a third week where you tweet every time you sin!

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