I recently received the new Evangelical Study Bible for free as a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid in exchange for my honest review. There’s a TON of deep study materials in this Bible!

It is a full-color Bible, so there are many beautiful pictures throughout the Bible. Some of these introduce the books of the Bible, while others illustrate various study materials along the way. It’s definitely very aesthetically pleasing.
At the beginning of each book, there is a good introduction to the book. It provides dates, authorship, and themes discussed in the book. As the name of the Bible implies, it does all of this from an evangelical perspective.

The actual text of this NKJV Bible is large and clear. While not clearly marketed a large print Bible, it is some of the largest text that I’ve seen in a Bible. The study notes are a bit smaller, but still larger than many study notes I’ve seen in most Bibles, and certainly readable.

The Bible is also full of maps, commentary, cross references, and much more. Check out this gallery of images to get a taste of what it contains.

You can purchase this Bible from the FaithGateway Store or on Amazon (affiliate link). If you want a Bible that allows you study more in depth, this looks like a great one!